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初三英语周末配餐作业 曲小红

2015年12月26日 19:07:20 访问量:388

. 单项选择(每小题3分,共45分)


(  )1. Our English teacher is strict ______ us, but we still like her very much.

A. in B. with  C. from  D. to

(  )2. I’m worried about the ______ of the product. I think it may be dangerous.

A. price B. service C. licenseD. safety

(  )3 —Dad, our TV doesn’t work.—I’ll get it ______ this afternoon.

A. repair  B. to repairC. repaired  D. repairing

(  )4. —Danny, what do you think of the article?—I’m sorry. I haven’t had a chance ______ it yet.A. to read B. readingC. to write  D. writing

(  )5. Mom, I’m an 18-year-old boy. I think I’m ______ to choose my own friends.

A. young enoughB. enough youngC. old enough D. enough old

(  )6. I hope all of you will come and actively ______ me in the talent show.

A. change B. support C. lift  D. hug

(  )7. Ann, you ______ shut the door, or the rain will come in.

A. mustB. canC. mustn’t D. can’t

(  )8. Mary ______ seeing her favorite singer at the concert so that she stayed awake all night.A. was worried aboutB. was famous forC. was excited about  D. was bored with

(  )9. Paul has always regretted ______ the car. Now he has to take the bus to work.

A. to sellB. selling C. buying D. to buy

(  )10. Our teacher told us to ______ junk food. It’s not healthy.

A. pay attention toB. fall in love withC. keep away fromD. get used to

(  )11. Mrs. Green said the plates ______ right away, or they would become difficult to wash.

A. shouldn’t wash  B. shouldn’t be washedC. should washD. should be washed

(  )12. How great the driver was! He ______ to avoid an accident this morning.

A. managed B. refused C. continued D. expected

(  )13. What ______ weather! The wind is blowing strongly.021·3·7·网】

A. normal  B. awfulC. lovely D. different

(  )14. ______ about it is a waste of time. We should do something meaningful.

A. Argue B. ArguingC. To arguing D. Argues

(  )15. —Susan stays in her bedroom all day.—______. She needs to spend time with friends.

A. No way  B. I don’t agreeC. That’s too bad D. Me, too


close, ask, building, be used to, they, peace, but, eye, wish, store

Emily got off the train into Penn Station with her family. She looked around at all the people rushing here, there, and everywhere. Emily hid behind her elder sister Diana and (1)________ she was back home in Pennsylvania.21·3*7“Come on, Emily,” said Diana, leading Emily through the crowd and onto the streets of New York City.

Emily (2)________ her eyes, trying to keep herself away from the city noise and imagine her (3)________ backyard at home with big trees and green grass.

“Open your (4)________, silly girl. You don’t want to miss (错过) this,” saidDiana. “Keep up, girls,” said Dad, taking Mom’s hand and leading (5)________ down the street.Emily slowly opened one of her eyes. People were everywhere, and the (6)________ were tall and huge. “Aren’t there any trees around here?”Diana laughed, “I know you like things back home. (7)________ look around — the city is fantastic. Look at all the (8)________ and the beautiful clothes.”Emily looked up. She (9)________ billboards (大幅广告牌) back home, but these were colorful and lively. “Where are we going?” she (10)________ her mom. Her mom and dad smiled at each other, saying it was a surprise.


enter, educate, chance, lift, bad

1. It’s a country which places great importance on ________.

2. The boy ________ wants a new bike. His old one is broken.

3. Her dream of ________ the famous university came true last year.

4. The mother put her arms around her baby and ________ him up.

5. Is there any ________ of getting tickets for tonight’s football match?


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